Monday, January 12, 2009

Wow its been a long long long time since i've updated, (in Belize they like to repeat things for emphasis, my repetition for long should probably be about 10x longer, but I'll save space and my fingers). But i did preface this blog with the warning that i probably wouldn't update all that often. It's not that life hasn't been interesting, or eventful or blog worthy, its really that a I'm having a hard time putting my experiences into words. How to discern what i am seeing feeling and doing is difficult and then putting it into blog terms is hard for me. However i did make some attempts, well one attempt really, i had a whole reflection about an experience in the small villages of Belize. complete with beautiful descriptions of sun rises, small hill side villages and maya traditions. And then my flash drive went missing and my entry went with it. So is life in Belize, going with the flow is my new mantra, even more than it was before. So while this really doesn't do much justice to my experience or to those of you who actually read and want to know about what I'm doing, seeing learning and experiencing, right now its all i can offer.
so here are the major events
Gurafina Settlement day: Celebrations commemorating the settlement of the Carib people in Belize a day/night of partying and celebrating culminating in a reenactment of the settlement right outside our house at 6am.
Thanksgiving: we went on retreat with the Belize city volunteers to Trinidad Farms a jesuit retreat house up north. We cooked more food than 8 people could possibly consume in two meals let alone one. the boys made a kite and i had some really great conversations and reflective moments. We also played soccer in the sunset with the local kids!
End of the School year: i gave a final exam (eek) its weird being on the other side of the classroom and assigning exams. thankfully most of my students passed and i felt ok about how the semester went! 1/4 of the way done thats INSANE
Christmas: it was weird being away from home and having warm weather, but i was able to appreciate what Christmas is really about. friendship family and a deepening of faith. So while i didn't actually receive any materialistic gifts i was given the gift of love and appreciation. Which is pretty awesome if you ask me!
new years; slightly uneventful i was in Belize city for the week, which was awesome!! got a sense of the city. the people and what life is like up there for the volunteers and visited with some good friends.
Now; i'm back home and starting school all over again. i'm being a little stricter (its hard) and planning Career day/expo/week. So i'm running around like a little crazy person trying to get local businesses to come and speak. its good because i'm getting a better sense of town, of who/what is out there and i feel as thought i'm being productive.

me: i am healthy again (no knee problems) and i've started retraining for the Belize city half marathon in August.
Well thats all for now Sorry this is so quick and unedited. I'll try to be better in the upcoming months maybe a good new years resolution will be to update at least once per month. Well hold me accountable, and insist upon it, if i start to slack!

i miss home and snow and everyone who reads this!!
la paz a todos!